
Cute Dolly, a Rescued Paralysed Puppy

Recently a well-wisher noticed a paralysed puppy left outside a local orphanage, and brought her to us. Dolly is now a permanent resident, and definitely she is very photogenic! So cute, don’t you agree? (Please note that the black spots on Dolly’s bandages is Wokadine, an antiseptic and disinfectant medicine to protect and treat wounds.)

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Special Thanks to Help Animals India!

  We want to take this opportunity to especially thank the kind loving donors of HELP ANIMALS INDIA! Last year they supported us generously which made it possible to help care for our hundreds of rescued cattle and other large animals like donkeys and horses, as well as provide critical food and medical services to

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Tejas the Paralysed Puppy Joins Karuna

Tejas the puppy was in an accident and he was found on the roadside by a few college friends. The boys brought the puppy to Karuna several days in a row for treatment but as he was totally paralysed, we admitted him as a permanent resident so he can receive the daily care and protection

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Injured Puppy Successfully Recovers!

On December 3rd, a kind volunteer found a poor puppy on the roadside – she had been savagely attacked by other dogs. After several weeks under loving care with us, her horrible injuries and broken leg were completely healed! The same volunteer came and brought her back to her area. Though she is a stray

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Cute Paralysed Dog Arrives at Karuna

This paralysed dog came to us from nearby Gorantla, and we accepted him as a permanent resident. He is dealing with the trauma of an accident and paralysis of his two back legs. We are giving him daily massage and treatments – in some cases, dogs can recover and walk again! Your ongoing donations pay

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