All over India, animals are suffering. Whether they are injured owing to traffic accidents, dogs suffering from mange, female dogs with emaciated puppies, abandoned donkeys, overworked and malnourished horses, or cows roaming the streets living on waste and plastic bags – they are all suffering.
Karuna In- and Outpatient Department
For many years one of the most challenging problems at our shelter has been the policy at our in- and outpatient department. Under what circumstances and by whose pressures do we need to admit an animal as inpatient? Many factors have to be considered to provide the best care for the animal. It is our experience that animals, not belonging to the category below, recover very well and better if they can stay in their own territory or street or with the owner while under treatment at our outpatient department. The owner's or caretaker's wishes are not the most important ones. Below you will find our considerations for admittance. PLEASE NOTE: We will only accept animals from Puttaparthi and surrounding areas, and an Aadhar Card is required!
Which animal can be admitted as an inpatient at Karuna Society?
1. When it is totally paralyzed
2. Those with a severe fracture(s); accident cases; and those needing life-saving surgery
3. Severe skin diseases
4. Cancers in advanced stage
5. Distemper in advanced stage
6. Suspected Rabies
7. Maggot wounds (severe)
8. Snakebite / poison
9. Aggressive (depending on situation)
10. Seized animal (by authorities)
11. Birth Control surgeries
.....is what many local people say when they bring a sick Indian dog to our outpatient department.
After many years of sterilisation of dogs in Puttaparthi there are no more "strays". Dogs are still everywhere and they belong to a street, an area, to one or more houses. When a dog gets in an accident or falls ill, the people want to leave it with us even if it is their own Indian dog.
After many years of explaining to the public that they have to share the responsibility for the dog's recovery, it is finally giving good results. There is no overcrowded shelter and more animals can be treated. The recovery rate is very good as there is less stress for the animal. Finally there is growing awareness that "caring" is not the same as ownership but that it is a sense of BELONGING together!
After recovery the animal will be returned to the same area or owner or it will be accepted as a disabled permanent animal at Karuna Society.
When in doubt, the final decision will be taken by the management as per policy.
At Karuna Society thousands of animals have received free treatment and a new life, thanks to many animal loving donors.
In- and out-patient clinic for local dogs and cats and any animal rescued by the public, including birds, monkeys and donkeys.
Lifetime Care
Lifetime care for those disabled animals who can’t be returned to their owner or their territory. They live within the hospital compounds and move around freely. They receive special care, have a social life and are loved.