We Need Your Generosity More Than Ever!

Please see our latest Newsletter HERE!

Dog Chintoo 2019-05-30

Dear Friends and Supporters of Karuna,

We hope this letter finds you healthy and well. Maybe you are at home, keeping yourself and others safe from the corona virus or maybe you have to be on duty at work. In both cases, normal life has changed dramatically and we do not know yet how our day to day life will find a new pattern and at what cost.

This brings me to the animals of Karuna Society and all the animals of the Puttaparthi village area. As our Outpatient Department has been closed for two months, it seems likely that after we open up again we will be flooded with animals from the area who are in need of care.

It seems very unlikely that tourists and Sai Baba devotees will come in the foreseeable future to Puttaparthi, if at all! As a consequence Karuna Society is receiving less donations from the public, and also the Karuna Information Centre/Shop will be closed for some time as well. General donations are always needed and they make a big difference as we do not have a corpus fund as a back-up.

This is an appeal to help us do what we already and always do: rescue stray animals and wildlife in distress and support every animal in need of our services.

If you are one of our valued regular donors and are in a position to help us at this critical time, we ask you to give some extra!

As President of Karuna Society I am at present working from home. This month I will be 75 years old and I need to stay safe to have more years to serve the animals. Narendra Reddy, Karuna’s Secretary, has taken full charge of all local and practical issues at the clinic and office, implementing the new guidelines from the authorities to keep our staff and families safe and healthy.

I am available by phone and WhatsApp from 5 AM to 5 PM, +91-9490360218, for any information you need.

Warmly and with Thanks,


Beat the Heat_On a hot Saturday Afternoon (8)