Our Recovered New Friend BHIMA!

About two months ago in the early morning, a rickshaw arrived at Karuna’s doorstep and a man stepped out and tied a German Shepherd to the tree and disappeared. As we have cameras outside, we could later see what had happened but the footage was too blurry to find out the number of the rickshaw.

The dog had a bad ear infection with maggots so we took him in as an inpatient. He is a large dog and was out of control when we had to treat his ear or tried to walk him. As he was dumped on us we had no information about him, his behaviour or other problems; we had to guess.

After several weeks of treatment he recovered and we have placed him with other dogs to be free within the ABC compound. He was castrated and finally adjusted. The good news is “He shows signs of Happiness!” and likes to be cuddled and petted. This is not just a body that has been rescued, but a whole person! His name is BHIMA!