Dear Friends of Karuna,
Karuna’s Ahimsa Farm is known as one of the most important animal and environmental enterprises in India. It is one of the few models in India where rescued animals are sheltered for the rest of their lives. These animals have been saved from slaughterhouses, milk factories and other animal use industries. This effort is funded to some extent from the sale of wholesome, humane, organic produce generated from the labour and by-products of the rescued animals themselves. We also depend on external donations for the upkeep of our 300 cattle, covering the cost of their food, medicine etc.
It is Karuna’s goal to become as self-sufficient as possible but, like any other enterprise, investment is needed to create a product which will result in profit, in this case “for the animals by the animals”. We have land, animals and byproducts like dung and urine to make ayurvedic products, but we need to process them and establish the Ahimsa Farm in its full working capacity.
To collect urine and clean dung from our rescued local white cows, we need to improve the cattle sheds by providing a new flooring to collect all the dung for the two new bio-gas units for cooking and distillation of cow urine.
Our 120 buffaloes are also in desperate need of a shed to protect them against the hot sun. Our truck for Karuna’s emergency animal transport has also broken down and needs immediate repair work as well as four new tyres.
We have already started work on some of these projects as we cannot afford to wait any longer. We have just completed the new wall for the cattle shed extension, as well as the two new bio-gas pits.
The most urgent request for this appeal is for the development of the new Ahimsa land which we purchased some years ago with the support of Philip Wollen of the Kindness Trust. It needs an electricity connection and two bore wells to be completed by June 2012, so that we can use the water to grow fodder for our animals, plant fruit trees as well as grow grains and pulses for sale.
It will also enable us to eventually move our wildlife center to this area in the near future.
When everything is up and running, we expect to make a decent profit every month.
If you can contribute, please do so. The time to donate is NOW. It will secure the future of the rescued cattle of Karuna Society, and we can set an example that a rescue centre can sustain itself without the sale of milk and animal reproduction. Instead, we can sustain Karuna Society with organic agriculture and the sale of ayurvedic products derived from the by-products of our cows.
The estimated expenses for these projects are as below:
Project |
Cost Rs
Cost US $ |
Total flooring of stamped earth in all sheds |
5,500 |
Tiles and shelves in the “packing” room |
430 |
Iron works for pillars in the new shed and gates |
1,50,000 |
3,300 |
Set up of stainless steel distillation equipment |
80,000 |
1,700 |
Electricity & bore wells on the “Ahimsa” land |
3,00,000 |
6,500 |
Repair and tyres for Emergency Animal Truck |
65,000 |
1,400 |
– Total expenses/investment: approx. Rs. 9 lakhs ($19,500)
Please consider sending a donation to make this a reality for Karuna. Any amount will help. Please feel free to forward this appeal.
Thank You