A few days back a rickshaw arrived at the clinic and a paralysed dog was dumped in front of the gate. This happens regularly. The rickshaw turned and left with the lady and child who dumped the dog. Some of our staff saw it and made an alarm.
Two years ago, with the kind donation of Help Animals India, we installed CCTV cameras outside and inside the clinic especially for this reason. Narendra (Karuna’s Secretary) checked the footage and found the number of the rickshaw. He contacted the driver who gave the contact details of the owners.
Narendra told the owner to come to the clinic and explain himself, otherwise he would inform the police. After the owner came, the dog was officially admitted as it was paralysed after an accident. It is now under treatment. Narendra explained to the owner that this is not the way to deal with a sick family member! Treatment and support is always available at Karuna when needed.
After a few days the owner came to visit the dog. We hope the dog can walk again and go home!