Author Archives: admin

Narasimha and his Team

P. Narasimha, who has been with us almost from the beginning, and his team are in charge of the old and sick cattle at the large animal hospital which includes cattle, buffalo, donkeys, camel, horses and goats. He is assisted by his staff who nurse the sick ones, cut the grass, feed the animals and

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Karuna Society Featured in ‘Vegan India!’ Blog

Karuna Society has been featured in ‘Vegan India’, a popular online blog. Vegan India! visits Karuna Society A Visit to Karuna Society and an Interview with Clementien Pauws, President Posted:Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:51:59 PDT A Visit to Karuna Society and an Interview with Clementien Pauws, President Article by Dr. Arun Rangaswamy and Uthra For

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Narendra and Wildlife Rescue

Our long-time Secretary, Narendra’s, favorite thing to do is help to rescue wildlife. The Forest Department often calls on his expertise. Sometimes he wrestles with dangerous poisonous snakes and sometimes plays with cute young animals. All in a day’s work!

Drought Update – April 2014

DROUGHT UPDATE April 2014 Dear Friends, This is an update on the feeding program for our 300 cows and buffalo at the Ahimsa farm. We are now feeding maize stalks which we put through a chaff cutter. This means that 100% of the grass will be eaten. In the pictures below, you see the machine,

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Ahimsa Product Labels Printed

Our ‘Ahimsa’ product labels are printed and soon they will be sold in a number of stores. We are trying our best to ensure the future for our rescued animals by not depending so heavily on donations.

Grinding & Drying Organic Produce

Ladies grinding powders and drying organic produce the old-fashioned way, making our Ahimsa products. Electricity is not dependable where we are located but that is no object in our quest to independantly support our rescued animals.  

Shaded Feeding Troughs

We were able to build a small portion of what we had planned, shaded feeding troughs for our cattle so they won’t have to eat in the full sun. The rest of the green cloth wil be used for the garden and for drying facilities for our organic products which will go on sale soon.

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Building Water Troughs

We were very grateful to receive a donation to build water troughs on the corner of our Ahimsa land, close to the forest. They will be heavily used by thirsty cattle and also for small and big wild animals and birds.

Successfully Implementing Animal Birth Control

Since 2002, Karuna has been successfully implementing its Animal Birth Control (ABC) and Anti-Rabies (AR) programs in the rural areas of south Anantapur District in India. Karuna Society is committed to a high standard of surgical procedure…s. All surgeries and post operation care follow the “Standard Operating Procedures” as per rules of the AWBI (Animal

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