Success Story: Paralysed Dog Walks Again!

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Today’s Success Story from Karuna’s President, Clementien Pauws:

This dog from Brahmanapalli came in paralysed, no known reason. He was lying around for several weeks without improvement and he started to get wounds on shoulders and hips. That is not a good sign. Without improvement this can only get worse. We discussed if he should be euthanised.

I felt bad about it and against all odds I tried to put him on four legs, without success. Every day we gave him some attention, let him sit up, help him standing without result.

Suddenly a few days ago he was sitting up straight. This morning I looked for him, nowhere to be seen, he was going around at the cattle side. Our friend is WALKING!!! Going up the stairs, to the cattle, as if nothing ever happened!!

After a few days his wounds will be healed and he can go back home!!!

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