New Borewell for Karuna’s Ahimsa Farm

Borewell 1

Unfortunately, our bore-well in Karunapalli (Ahimsa Farm) has run dry. We desperately need water for our rescued animals and organic garden. We hired a drill to try and tap into ground water.



Borewell 4Borewell 6

The situation is very critical. Drilling was done in three places, spending over 100,000 rupees.




Borewell 5Borewell 2








We have water, hooray! Unfortunately, it is isn’t much though. There was a little water at 600 feet at the first place we drilled, and the other two places had no water at all. We are hoping for good rains, which will allow this bore well to last longer. Otherwise, this one also will be running dry soon.

Borewell 3